Based on the pics Runner posted.,1426.msg9465.html#msg9465All it looks like to me is that
when you run Prime95, the c1e gets turn off.
And then in the last pic, you turn off c1e in bios and get the same cpu volts as the second pictures of prime 95.
Which means it is not really a true fix, which can't be fixed, all it does is turn of c1e when there is cpu loading.
Which means I could just turn off c1e in bios and do the same thing permanently.
Correct me if I am wrong about this assessment...
So basically in both cases, c1e got turned off. First case was using using deception (c1e was disable no matter what settings you put it on) while with the latest bios, it is turn off during loading.
So essentially the only way to get rid of this noise is turn off c1e, which i could do myself in the bios.
The true problem is the design or board components itself which can't be fixed, since all you did was turn off c1e in both instances.
Does c1e get turn back on automatically when the cpu loading becomes idle? No pics of what happens when cpu gets idle again, after prime 95.
Also I suggest the ppl that are writing the bios, please make c1e disable as an optimized default/lowest settings default.
Since if we overclock etc and need to reset the bios, it would be preferable to have c1e off by default instead of needing to go in and disabling it everytime.