Meh, my current 500 GB drive with my backed up data seems knackered

I installed Vista onto the new drive, but when I intall the 500 GB, I get 'Disk Read Error'. So I tried going into setup to wipe the windows partition and temporailly install Vista onto it to boot and copy over my 300 GB of stuff, but when I try to format the windows partition or install windows onto it, the PC shuts off and restarts !!!
I will get my data back somehow, I hope

I should invest in an external hard drive.
Posting from the new PC

It was shutting itself off after about 10-15 minutes of startup, I immediately noticed that the bios had defaulted the ram to 7-7-7-20 on 1.5v, and changed it to 9-9-9-24 and 1.6v for now, and now it has been stable for an hour

Will stress test it and overclock later on, first I need to figure out how to get my data of my old drive, I think I will have to reinstall Vista with both drives plugged in so that it boots up with the old drive still plugged in, so I'll have to start again with reinstalling drivers.
I'm not going to bother with raid, I just have two drives for back up and dual boot purposes, so will grab a second 1 TB in the future. Raid 1 would be ideal, but I dont know if I can dual boot with Raid 1

If anyone knows about that, then please let me know. Raid 1 and dual boot I would like