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Integrated memory controller on the cpu. RAM partially unrecognized. Win 64bit


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Hi friends,  :D

After seeing the multiple messages, caused by the failure to recognize complete memory at startup or by windows 64bits, I decided to do a topic

Please, if you have problems of recognition memory under Windows 32-bit, do not write in this Topic.

Create a new topic. Thank you for your cooperation. This will help the reader in search of information.

If you have a memory controller built into the chipset, this issue does not concern you.
Of course, except for hardware information and knowledge.

This topic could become a tutorial, after having your feedback and questions about it.

So for now it will be a subject like any other where people can describe their problem situation regarding this.

The other objective of this Topic is to make Windows x64 bit recognize all  RAM.

After these preliminaries, I attack the subject. Miam, miam  :P


Assuming you have a Intel cpu with the integrated memory controller.

Assuming you have installed DDR3 memory modules.

Considering that you have set for example 4 GB of RAM.

Considering that you put a system of air cooling.

Considering that you be open to do not overclocking. For the time to solve the problem.

Assuming you have installed Windows x64 bit ( or other x64 bit OS).

If you be not sure, read the documentation of your CPU and motherboard.
Looking for information concerning them on google or from the manufacturer.

What is the settings of your Memory Feature?
It is in Frequency Voltage Control ..
A screen on the forum is good idea, if you can link ...
And more specifically what is the parameter of the Command Rate?
If not already done so Trying to command rate at T1 or T2 especially for 12 GB of RAM

What version of your BIOS?
Check the latest version of the manufacturer of your motherboard, are on web site.

Total Ram Memory. For example, in the context of the Topic

About the total memory = 4xxxxxxxx. I give this info, in case there are only 4GB of Ram installed.

In fact the total memory = message must match the total number of ram actually placed on the slots (Bank).

FIRST, In practice, if you think the ram is faulty or you just want to see if it works well.
Do you have the means to verify if your bars are well recognized and works in another computer? Whatever the model, as long as it is and recognize your DDR3 RAM.  ::)

SECONDARY, Whether you have had the opportunity to test your memory in another computer.
Prior to the changes that follow in this Topic try Off the computer, removed the keyboard cable from the computer.
Or remove the battery if it is FireWire or remove physically the device keyboard completely.

Starts computer (no keyboard) and see when there is a stop (hang), if you see:
total memory = 4xxxxxxxx
If so, great.
Otherwise it shows that there is something wrong in even before Windows.

Even if you saw total memory = 4xxxxxxxx.
Turn Off de computer, install the keyboard and continue as below.
Remember, the other objective of this Topic, is to make Windows x64 bit recognize all  RAM.

OC situation
Have you tried to boot your pc without oc?
If no positive result before go in this Topic.

Have you tried removing the battery, short to make a clear CMOS in order?
Purged your power button ... when the battery is removed (and always off the power supply)?

Remove all your RAM sticks and things one slot of ram. One has a test in the same slot.

After reinstall the battery, turn on the computer, goes to the BIOS and choose a FAIL SAFE Load defaults. Reboot.

Testing a Memory Module or Ram Bank

Always starts to check each one has a RAM module in each slot of ram.
In other words, it will make 4 module, 16 tests (ie 16 restarts, after disconnecting the power cord) for a mobo with 4 slots.

Each time, you can be you just see if it is accepted in BIOS and POST (startup computer, before startup Windows).
Let go and see how windows sees or recognizes. This is according to your taste.

With these tests, you will know if you have a slot (RAM Bank) that is either defective, or one of the Memory Module (stick) or both.

Ram memory and graphics card or Integrated gpu
Can assure you that the graphics card does or does not ram memory arrays?
Same things for Integrated Gpu.
Tell us what it is about this, please, if you write in the forum.

For Windows
Disable the first page file system (Swap File).
Window button (right on the keyboard) + Pause
Select the System Settings menu on the left advanced

2nd, max memory should be uncheck.
Opens the Msconfig with the Run (Execute) menu of the Start button,
Go to Boot tab, Click button Avanced
Make sure the box is not checked on Max Memory.

However, you can check the number of processors and the things you highest number.
Normally this is the number of CPU cores.
Finally click OK, Apply and OK Reboot.

XMS Profile
I think that you saw the CPU parameters-Z SPD tab.
Try if you still have problems (if Windows does not recognize all your RAM), not to use the XMS profile.

So changing the timing of your RAM in your BIOS manually.
As you relying on information from JEDEC. As for the voltage.
Checks the information from the manufacturer, via its website.
And try to see if the Bios, it is.
I repeat, I speak in a normal situation. Not in OC.

In the end, redo the trick to see if you have actually seen total memory = 4xxxxxxxx.

Check the assembly of the cooling system

It is an alternative material that is involved. The air cooling is slightly ill-fitting on the cpu.

Because the integrated memory controller is in the processor, the situation is different about the pressure exerted on the attachment mechanism of CPU cooling.

So if by chance one or a few pins of the CPU is bad contact (too strongly pressed in the center, not enough or too much on one side on the other hand, it can give problems as the non-recognition of the entire ram.
(When all memory modules are installed, ideally all slots occupied ... as well as checking, we check everything)  ;)

It requires patience, thermal paste, the goal is to ensure that the pins of the CPU itself is properly connected.

In practice, it's pretty simple: start with the idea that the pressure is too high (all the screws are at bottom).
Just up your air cooling, just by releasing the pressure (unscrew) and keep adjusting the pressure until you see the BIOS (and the total memory = 4xxxxxxxx) and 4GB of memory.

If there is no screw system (with clip), try to support the diagonally opposite side (the one that is released).

Important note
If you have more detailed information in order to improve this, I am pleased to welcome it, to help significantly more community forum.


« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 07:04:22 am by Gloup_Gloup »

Dark Mantis

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A good first try at a helpfile/FAQ. Just needs a bit of tidying up etc.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


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A good first try at a helpfile/FAQ. Just needs a bit of tidying up etc.
Hi Dark Mantis,

You desire another form of presentation. As a FAQ file. In the form of questions and answers.

For example:

Why the bios is involved?

About the total memory displayed in the post.

The impact of overclocking settings in the bios?

How make a clear CMOS in order?

How testing a Memory Module or Ram Bank?

Role of Ram, graphics card Integrated or dedicated gpu.

XMS profile or JDEC profile?

How check the assembly of the cooling system?

Disable or Enable the page file system?

Max memory should be uncheck or check?

Check or uncheck the number of processors?

Then Dark Mantis, if you have further information or comments, I am open to consider.

Thank you for the karma.
I'm not sure, but I think that it comes from you.
Otherwise, thank you for your encouragement.


Dark Mantis

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    • Dark Mantis
No not particularly Gloup_Gloup. You have made it clear and readable already but it is always good to go over these things a few times over a period of time just to tweak little bits. Good job. ;)
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


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 ;) Hi, Dark Mantis,

Ok I will work about this project in few day.

Nice day for you and staff.
