Hi cjreed,
Many factors can influence the result of tests.
Remove PageFile (SWAP file) pagefile.sys
Remove hiberfil.sys
http://www.sevenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/1269d1228654799-hibernate-enable-disable-disable.jpgSo check if you have a possibility to deactivate more Windows Services? With Administrative Tools, Services.
Like Defrag Windows, etc...
Using MSCONFIG to deactivate other programs and services in the Startup tab and Services Tab.
Have you Defrag your disk, before test? Me I use Perfect Disk 11 server. you check a case : At startup.
It is best to test drive as secondary drive. In other words, do not use it as a system disk during the test.
Me I prefer use HDD Tune for tests.
http://www.hdtune.com/files/hdtunepro_500_trial.exe (In my test l have 4.61, in past time...)
In the Options Tab, Benchmark section, I put a cursor to Accurate (Below), check Full Test, check Include raw graphics, Block size : 1MB
In the AAM Tab, I check Enable, put a cursor at 254 , Default Value at 128 (maybe is different for you)...
With my test I have a Pagefile on Drive C: ( Next time I make a Test without pagefile.sys)

and C: is a disk system of course. (Western Digital Velociraptor 300 gb. ( WD300HLFS)
My disk tested is other partition of same drive OS disk.
So I view when my partition disk tested are formated at NTSF 8192, this give a better result. I make a test with 4096-8192-16384 (16K)
I speak about Block size Read speed and Write Speed in Raw graphics Files.
So I hope this info is util for you....