Hello everyone.
Over the winter I custom built my desktop gaming computer using a Gigabyte GA-Z68 based motherboard, and for approximately 3 months it's been working fine, until today.
I have not done any form of major tweaking or overclocking since getting my computer, and did nothing of significance to cause the recent problem. When turning on my computer this morning, it powered up for half a second then turned off for a second, then powered on for half a second, then turned off for a second, then powered on for a little more then a second, then powered off, and then FINALLY stayed on long enough to get to the BIOS screen, only to fall into the
"Warning: BIOS Checksum Error!" screen right after.
Another thing to note as of now, there were no motherboard beeps throughout any of this, and I bought a efficient power supply for this computer, so I have trouble believing that's the case.
It continues to go through this 'turn on, then off, then on, then off, then on' pattern after I initially turn it on the one time. I have tried to Load Optimized Setting in the BIOS and turned off the power supply / unplugged the computer for a lengthy amount of time, neither have shown results.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated, I'll be checking in throughout the day.