Hi Guys
I have been waiting for a response from Gigabyte tech support management on PCIE-3.0 switch IC’s that gigabyte advertise that all 6 series are compliant.
So I had to replace my card so I checked for myself
Now the definite sad news for all you Z68XP-UD4 Rev 1.0 MB's that thought they were they
are not fully PCI-E 3.0 compliant as the BS GIGABYTE claim
If as in one thread Gigabyte management has said that V1.3 MB's have identical components then these boards are also not compliant and I would say 99% of the series 6 MB’s are not
Here are pictures of my motherboard
First one shows where chips are in between the X16 slots

Second one shows they are all PCI-E 2.0 Spec Chips

Third one is a blow-up of one of the chips as you can see they are 2.0 spec chips

And the last gives short specs for this chip

NOW the Fireworks begin my first stop will be the ACCC (Australian government legislated body who have just won case here against Apple for their misleading IPad 4G claims for this country) with all the Gigabyte series 6 PCI-E 3.0 claims and my photos