Thank You for Your answer.

I think the question is more of why do you NEED to overclock. If you are worried about longevity then running stock is the way to go. Your CPU has way more power than the average user needs at stock.
It just so happens that I'm not quite an average user...

I know there are "safer" ways to get more performance, but those are beyond my budget atm.

As far as longevity goes, I am concerned that hardware lasts and remains reliable for 5-7 years at most. It is very likely to be replaced before the 5 year mark.
there are no guarantees on long term affects of overclocking.
I realize that, and seek no guarantees

There are ways to roughly estimate the effects though.. If one knows how the installed components react to more heat. And how much more heat is expected. Lack of electrolytic capacitors, and a radiator on the left of the socket suggest to me that this board might have enough tolerance to less direct cooling. Anyway, I thought someone might enlighten me on approximate possible effect of
tower cooling, not overclocking, for the specific motherboard. I may provide additional info if necessary.
In any case, I thank you for your time and consideration.