Hi! I've just purchased the P55A UD6 motherbord (BIOS F6) and i've very strange problems with USB ports.
I've installed Windows 7 Professional (64bit) and installed chipset driver downloaded from Gigabyte.
All my storage device (USB sticks, UBS Hard Drive, USB Hub, SD Memory card reader) attached on the 4 black colored ports are not recognized by windows. If i attach such devices on other ports everything (even the combo ones) they works perfectly. If i attach a mouse or a keyboard on the black ports they also works!
To exclude a HW problem i tried with another operating system (Linux Ubuntu 9.10) and now only SOME of the storage device works on black colored ports (one external USB HDD but not another, and the SD memopry card reader...), other device does not works (error -110 on dmesg)
Now i'm very confused

Someone could clarify this situation? HW problem/driver problem/BIOS problem
Thanks in advice!
EDIT: Problem solved!!! It was a faulty internal memory card reader!!!!