Official GIGABYTE Forum

RMA center said warranty is over, yet I bought it under three years ago.


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As above, I sent details to the RMA center about my board, and they have told me I am out of warranty. But I bought it under three years ago. Is there anything else I can do, how does giving warranty from the date of manufacture deal with the SOGA?

Quite annoyed really as the board is in the second computer and does not get used much, you would think it would last a long time.


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Re: RMA center said warranty is over, yet I bought it under three years ago.
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2012, 12:38:37 pm »
Ok, no reply. Did not expect this.

Where do I have to go in order to file a complaint, I've tried the forums and I am obviously not happy with the response (none) from the staff.

I believe my rights under the sales of goods act explain  an item should work or last for a reasonable time. I have been told this could be anything up to six years by European law.

Any help would be nice.


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Re: RMA center said warranty is over, yet I bought it under three years ago.
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 12:49:41 pm »
Hi there,

sorry to read about your issues and I'm not really sure where you can go next. Gigabyte's warranty is stated as 3 years from date of manufacture, so technically they are in the right to refuse to do anything for you if it is out of this period.

Is a 3 year period an acceptable life of a motherboard or any electrical component? Some will argue that it is whilst others will not think so.

The best advice I can offer is to maybe try Citizen's Advice to see where you actually stand legally.
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.


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Re: RMA center said warranty is over, yet I bought it under three years ago.
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2012, 11:14:34 pm »
Hi there.

Thank you  for the reply, I  know my rights under the sales of goods act and I am willing to go through the process and argue that the goods are not "of satisfactory quality"

The motherboard I have (ga-p31-ds3l)  has a problem where the on board network card has broken, the operating system can still see it but I can't connect to the internet. Looking online I am not the first person who has had this problem with the network chip, which is installed on this and many other Gigabyte boards.

So its safe to say that its also not fit for purpose, I would take this up with the retailer but as they are not around I have to take it up with Gigabyte. I still have six months left of warranty if (like normal retailers) you would go by the date of purchase.

I have two of these P31 boards, a P35-ds3l and a Z77 from Gigabyte, but I don't think that I will make another purchase from this company again. Staff here on the forums should have contact details for the relevant department at Gigabyte UK. It would be a great help if you could forward the details to me via private message.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 11:17:07 pm by mcfly »

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Re: RMA center said warranty is over, yet I bought it under three years ago.
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 02:00:39 pm »

As absic has already told you the Gigabyte warranty period is three years from the date of manufacture. As this is something that is not legally required but just given as an extra length of time over and above the statutory period I think you would be hard pressed to force the issue.

The actual date of manufacture is part of the serial number if you want to check it and is in the week/year format like if the serial number was 0926123456 it would be the June of 2009 (the 26th week).

Regarding your thoughts about the staff on the forum, I am afraid that there are not many and most of us are purely helpers on a freelance basis.

It obviously depends on how you feel about this but it would be a much cheaper job just to add a LAN card.

Hope you manage to get something sorted out anyway.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 04:56:12 pm by runn3R »
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Re: RMA center said warranty is over, yet I bought it under three years ago.
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2012, 05:09:34 pm »
mcfly, you wrote that you know your rights under the sales of goods act. but if we talk about "sales of goods" then question is who sold you this product: shop or gigabyte?

usually shop give 1 or 2 years warranty, that's all. this additional 3rd year is something extra given by manufacturer but within the limitation (from the manufacture date as already stated)

as the last chance you can PM forum Admin runn3R, maybe he will help you somehow. good luck and let us know how you proceed
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