Hi there,
My problem is not with videos or flash, that stuff seems to work fine (well if the problem has not appeared yet then I will just get squares overlayed like it is on the desktop).
If I leave Windows 7 on default theme settings, and default performance settings run at a resolution of 1080p and run MP3tag and open a directory with more than 20 files in it, without fail it will cause graphics corruption every single time, which is odd as it's not exactly graphics intensive just displaying a Window.
Now if I disable Aero transparencies and turn some of the performance options off (animated buttons, fade-in menus) not sure which causes the problem here, it stops the problem 100%. Just turning transparency off does not fix the problem although it makes it less likely to happen but combined with the performance options it's 100% fine.
What kind of weirdness is that? I still have hardware acceleration and VSync so at least it's a workable compromise can't stand screen tearing.
As I understand it Windows 8 has these features removed from the OS so I would assume my system would not have problems with Windows 8 (not that I would try that) perhaps this is a windows bug Microsoft are sweeping under the carpet?
Been running my system like this for about a month now not one driver recovery or artifact, I have also run a few different games in that time that are fully 3D and have never had a problem with games at all (New Devil May Cry, Path of Exile, Port Royale 3 just a few) devil may cry crashed a few times due to a bug with the way it handles control pads but never a graphical glitch. I've also play many 1080p videos using DVXA with no problems.
What is this graphics card/mobo's issue with Windows 7 transparencies. I'm still convinced it's some sort of power saving feature on the graphics card but every time I try to alter it using the XML file to make the ram always at the max setting I get a BSOD or just a freeze instantly which also causes a file system check on the next reboot which is great. So I just give up on that one. And I don't really want to run my graphics card at it max clock rate 24/7 just to keep the ram clock stable so that's not an option either.
Also to note as a test I've been running folding@home 24/7 for the last few weeks on the GPU only and although it does not fix anything it has reported no problems but then again it does not seem to be using much of the GPU (20%) @ 600mhz or so says AMD CCC, but still no reported errors.
Think I will try a different branded ATI card in the future, my old 4850 card which is also Gigabyte also totally broke as well PC does not recognise it at all and boots with the onboard video instead, so not really a great track record here. I think I just have the worse luck when it comes to hardware, my old ASUS mobo had the worst ever Gigabit ethernet onboard adapter ever, constantly freezes windows and Linux and had to put in a PCI-E card to fix it, so they are not really on my buy list either.
And these are supposed to be the two better of the hardware makers... MSI next methinks see if their stuff is any good.