I currently have a custom built computer with the following specs:
GA-MA790XT-UD4P motherboard
AMD X4 905e Processor
4GB Ram
Running Windows Home Server (Which is based on Windows 2003)
I'm having problems with the network adapter built into the motherboard. The computer has been running for about 3 months now, but every now and again when I switch on it doesn't connect to the network. Windows reports that "A network cable is unplugged" and shows a red cross over the network icon in the system tray. This has probably happened 2 or 3 times in the past, but rolling back the driver, re booting then installing the latest driver always seemed to fix it. However the same thing has happened this morning and my previous "fix" makes no difference.
I've tried 2 different cables and plugged them into different ports on my router to see if it makes a difference but it doesn't. The Realtek Network Diagnostic Utility cannot find any problems. I've tried the driver from the Gigabyte website and the one from the Realtek website with no difference. I'm using the Windows XP version of the driver (as WinXp is the same codebase as Win2003).
Can anyone suggest anything else to try? Reading around the forum and the Internet it sounds like the network adapter has failed