Official GIGABYTE Forum

Help please - Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 motherboard

Help please - Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 motherboard
« on: January 29, 2013, 03:35:29 pm »
Hey peeps

Have a situation with a new build im currently working on hopefully someone can assist

I am trying to connect a Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 motherboard to a akasa venom strike case but for some strange reason the machine does not start up

The motherboard works in a (Casecom mid tower) case and the case works with a different board (asrock intel board with quad core CPU) in it

specs for the new machine

Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 motherboard
16GB corsair 1600
akasa venom 750w PSU
1tb seagate HDD and samsung DVD player

only difference i can see between the 2 cases is that the venom case only has the HDD LED, PW and p+ and P- leads
where as my other case has the reset lead aswell as, but even when putting the new board in my old case and leaving the reset lead off it still starts
up fine.

Any suggestions


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Re: Help please - Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3 motherboard
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2013, 04:21:20 pm »
hi there,

the only things that I can think of are:

Switch Polarity:
When you connect the PWR lead to the motherboard header are you getting the polarity right, + to + and - to - ? Try turning the connector round and see if that makes a difference.

Short Circuit:
When you are mounting the Gigabyte motherboard have you made sure that the standoff mounts are in the correct position? If you are mounting a larger board where before the board was possibly smaller or vice versa  the standoff's will need to be repositioned/removed.

Is there any metal object underneath the motherboard when you mount it into the case that shouldn't be there? Worth double checking standoff positions and if any screws, washers etc., are stuck where they shouldn't be.

Is the board positioned correctly against the backplate? If this is not correct it can lead to a short circuit stopping the board from working.
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.