Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z77MX-D3H Audio Stacic

Z77MX-D3H Audio Stacic
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:03:06 pm »
I have gigabyte Z77MX-D3H and I em getting  a lot of static noise.
I em using Rocat Kave 5.1 head set and regular desktop speakers.

How can I sort this out. Because  it i getting really irritating.

I also have Asus ds pc 7.1 xonar form my previous setup but ti has PCI interface and my motherborrd has 1 free PCI-e slot left
Is there any way I can put that card in motherbord

Thank you


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Re: Z77MX-D3H Audio Stacic
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 08:49:28 pm »
Hi there,

static can be caused by many things both hardware and software.

First thing to ask is, did you install Gigabyte's EasyTune6 software? If you did the try uninstalling this software.

What are your system specs? Could you post back with a full list of hardware that you are currently using.

Are you overclocking the system at all? If yes, revert the system to its default settings and see if that helps improve things.

I don't think that you can use a 32bit PCI card in a PCI-e slot as the slot is actually different.
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.