Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-81PE1000 - Not Booting


GA-81PE1000 - Not Booting
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:29:35 pm »
Hey there, I have an OLD P4 computer that I think its time is finally up. All parts were purchased new going on prob 10yrs ago now, and I must say its deff held up. Aswell I guess I will clarify that this P4 is not my primary computer. I have a 2008 imac, 2012 macbook and HP duo Im not looking to upgrade, just more looking to learn and figured out whats wrong.....

450W Power supply
Gigabyte GA 81PE1000 w/ 1.6ghz P4
4GB Dual Channel Ram (or should have been, read below)
Upgraded SATA 1TB hard drive & Sata DVD

About a month ago, I was doing a fresh windows install on this PC and I kept getting the blue screen error during the install. I was able to pinpoint the problem was my CPU. Originally I had a 3.4ghz processor in it...and I swapped it out for a 1.6 had laying around. All was working ok, however I noticed my RAM was not reading in dual channel. At the time I didnt bother to troubleshoot this. Lastnight I thought I would pull the ram out and reinstall them all to see if dual  channel ram would work....I put the sticks back in and all I got was a blank screen, I am familiar with RAM being temperamental so I played around some more. I tried putting the sticks in one by one in each slot, I reset CMOS by taking the battery out and using the jumper. No matter what I did the system still did not boot.

So I did some google searching that directed me to listen for different beep codes to help determine the problem. I actually have had my speaker wires unplugged from the mono, because I did not want to listen to those beeps......So I have plugged the speaker back in. I ran the same tests again as mentioned above and every single time you will hear short continuous beeps.
Now I searched through this forum a bit and found a thread on beep codes which says short continuous beeps is related to a power issue??

So is a power supply my issue? or is my memory or mobo just shot finally?
Which Im assuming its my mobo seeing I had the issues with the CPU and the memory not reading dual channel.

Sorry for long post, but wanted to include all details, any input is much appreciated.