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I upgraded my cpu but pc dont boot with 4 x 2 gb ddr2 800 ram

hi i upgraded my cpu amd athlon x2 6000 3.1 to amd phenom ii x6 1090t
my motherboard is gigabyte ma770 ud) rev 2.0
and bios verson FKD ( last bios version )
i have 4 sticks ddr2 800 kingston ram
i was using them with my athlon cpu but when i changed my cpu phenom ;
so ....  i cant use my 2 ram slots . just 2 slot ram booting pc ( 4 gb )
Blue ram slots working but i cant use yellow ram slots ...
I read some topics about am2+ motherboards about am3 cpu limitation.
they're saying change your bios ram settings , but ı'm not sure about these settings ...
and sorry my english grammer ..
if anyone know fix about that problem , pls help me ....
thx for supports guys ...


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Re: I upgraded my cpu but pc dont boot with 4 x 2 gb ddr2 800 ram
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2013, 03:10:06 pm »
I had the board and used it with Athlon X2 6400+ as well as with a Phenom 2 X2 550 BE and a X3 720 BE.
Phenoms were used with the BIOS FKD you are saying with no issues

If the slots are not working there can be one of the folowing:

-the slots are bad
-the RAM modules are not properly installed
-the CPU IMC is not in connection with the slots due to:
     -an improper installation of the CPU = bent pins
     -a bad CPU IMC controller = bad CPU
     -bad CPU socket

So you should :
-Clear CMOS ,re-seat all components ,but test them outside of the case ,use a wooden table to rebuild
-test RAM and CPU in another board
-test with previous BIOS-es that support the six cores CPU-s.
Over & Out !

AMD FX (APU-s included) users should install - KB2645594 & KB2646060 under Windows 7

1.ASUS Sabertooth 990FX 2.0 + FX 6300 + H60
2.MSI A88X-G41 PC Mate + A8 5600K + Hyper TX 2
3.Gigabyte F2A75-D3H + A4 5300
4.ASUS AM1M-A + Athlon 5150

Re: I upgraded my cpu but pc dont boot with 4 x 2 gb ddr2 800 ram
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2013, 07:59:37 pm »
i can use all ram slots with amd athlon x2. (all ram slots are working without am3 cpus)
-- no bent cpu pins there ...
rams are working .. ı tested them with other computers...
but i have no idea about CPU IMC controller
so i dont know what 's is that
maybe that's about cpu or bios settings .
and one question ?
i tried many times load optimized defaults setting and i tried unganged and ganged mode settings...
just i didnt try ram voltage and time settings ...
if i reset the bios ( clear cmos on board) my bios back to old version ? or i can continue FKD bios ...
cos i can getting unknown cpu error...

and i read this topic on other forums : ( excerpt ) = my problem is same


I've similar problem about my Gigabyte GA-MA770-DS3 v.2.0 mobo. I've 4 identical stick of Kingston DDR2 KVR800D2N5/1G RAMs (800Mhz). All works without problem with my Athlon X2 6000+ 3.1Ghz (Dual Channel). Last week I upgraded my CPU to Phenom II 955 BE (Stepping C3). I've already upgraded my BIOS to FDc to support this CPU. With 4 slot RAM board makes long beeps and no boot. 2 sticks with seperated channels boots normally. I cannot change DCT to Unganged to Ganged. It changes but when boot screen says still 800MHz unganged. Gigabyte PDF file support that model of RAM. And only 1066 Mhz ram needs 1 stick per channel. I also sent a service request mail to Gigabyte about the issue but no reply so far.

Is there any advice..? Thanks.


+ Cleared CMOS, Hard set RAM Timings, lowering mhz to 667, even increase Voltage +0.1, tried different RAM's KVR800D2N6/1G. "


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Re: I upgraded my cpu but pc dont boot with 4 x 2 gb ddr2 800 ram
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2013, 11:14:15 pm »
The CPU IMC is an abbreviation for the integrated memory controller.
The memory controller is on the CPU chip thus if the CPU is not installed properly or defective no RAM will work ,in respect to the bank the RAM stick is connected.

Furthermore i have used on the same board with 4 sticks of 1G ,either 4 Kingston sticks either a mix of Kingston and Geil ,no problems were spotted as long as voltage was in the 2,0V area.But i have used the "classic" Phenom 2 and not the X6 which has a different IMC.
On the other hand i could not use them at 1066Mhz with stability ,800Mhz being maximum.

Your issue is very strange and somehow leads to the CPU as being the culprit Maybe the BIOS is not delivering full X6 compatibility.

You can over-volt the RAN a little more as the board will not allow over 2,15V.
So put DDR voltage at 2,0V or 2,1 and try again

The Ganged/Unganged should  be there.

Look carefully in BIOS at the Command Rate filed  for the memory settings and make sure it s at 2T .
Also adjust the tRFC to higher values ,can t remember exactly but ithink you should use a tRFC of 130 for all DIMM-s .

Also the IMC(NB in BIOS) speed can be decreased to something like 1800Mhz via multiplier ,it may give more stability.

You re left with the need to test CPU in another mobo.If it works there you should upgrade most probable to a new AM3/+ board

Over & Out !

AMD FX (APU-s included) users should install - KB2645594 & KB2646060 under Windows 7

1.ASUS Sabertooth 990FX 2.0 + FX 6300 + H60
2.MSI A88X-G41 PC Mate + A8 5600K + Hyper TX 2
3.Gigabyte F2A75-D3H + A4 5300
4.ASUS AM1M-A + Athlon 5150