Hello all.

I bought mobo GA-Q77M-D2H rev. 1.0 on which I installed Intel i7-3770 and Kingston HyperX 2x4GB 1600MHz RAM (KHX1600C9D3X2K2/8GX).
When I set (and saved) XMP profile in the BIOS (rev. F2) and restarted system, such a message has appeared at boot: „The system Has experienced a BOOT failure possibly due to incorrect configuration. Previous settings in BIOS may not be compatible with current hardware state.”
When I entered the BIOS, RAM settings were changed to previous state which was 1333Mhz. I changed settings again and after boot procedure mobo has stopped respond completely.
I sent board for repair. They reported that they had exchanged BIOS chip.
Next I set timings manually leaving rest (i.a. 1.5V). Unfortunately, the same boot message comes back after few restarts.
I bought second RAM KHX1600C9D3K2/4GX – it's on the QVL list.
The same problem appeared.
I bought second mobo GA-Q77M-D2H rev. 1.0 and I broke it down in the same way.
I have tested the memory modules with memtest and they have no errors.
The motherboard supports DDR3 1600/1333/1066 MHz memory modules and in manual I have read that it supports XMP to.
Did someone have a similar problem and has solution for this?