Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z77M-D3H hangs during bios boot/setup

Z77M-D3H hangs during bios boot/setup
« on: May 04, 2013, 03:21:15 pm »

Here's what's happening:
- Sometimes, the bios boot hangs (no beep, gigabyte splash screen freeze, impossible to enter bios settings)
- Then I have to reset the bios (short circuit the 2 pins). In this case the bios starts but it can hangs/freeze while I'm setting it, and then I have to reset again (and again and again sometimes)
-When I'm able to (re)configure the bios and can go to windows it's ok. I can stay in windows for 3 days 24/24h without any problem of stability.
- I tested the memory with memtest and it's ok. I also tested with an other mem kit, same thing.
- This problem appears with or without usb devices connected
- F13 bios version

So it seems to be "only" a problem at startup. It does not seems to be a problem of memory and probably not a problem of CPU.
 Any trick or have I to replace this motherboard ?

« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 03:47:09 pm by astrakan »


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Re: Z77M-D3H hangs during bios boot/setup
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2013, 02:38:27 am »
u may try other PSU to check

Re: Z77M-D3H hangs during bios boot/setup
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2013, 01:34:05 pm »
well, I have a high-end and recent psu. Also, if it's a psu issue I think I'll have problems while in windows. And I can stay a week in windows without problem. Seems more a problem during MB auto check.

Re: Z77M-D3H hangs during bios boot/setup
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 03:57:38 am »
I'm not sure yet but the guilty is possibly my internal card reader ...
I have to make a lot of reboot to be sure but for instance I boot without bios freeze.