thanks for your reply...Yes i realise what the cpu fan is for .I have a friend whose Asus board uses" active cooling" via the cpu fan to bring down the temps on his northbridge(something i had no idea about until last night after some research)and as he now owns an H50 water cooling unit he has been forced to add some small fans to his northbridge to replace the peripherial job his cpu fan was doing in helping to keep the northbridge cool.
I am relieved to hear that this board i have uses passive cooling for the northbridge.I should experinece a drop in northbridge temperature as well i suspect as a result of this.
The temperatures i was reading were from the cores themselves and i am lead to believe that when intel quote the maximun temperature for a cpu they are not talking about the temp on the cores so i believe i have leeway but hell the cooler the better yes!?!
And finally...thast some wicked overclock you have there m8!! I may well come back to you for some OC advice...thanks for your time