This is my first post so hopefully I'll get all the relevant details right.
I've just received a replacement P67A-UD3P-B3 motherboard after I sent the first one back due to not being able to boot into the BIOS and .......
This one does exactly same.
What happens is that the computer starts and gets us to the Gigabyte splash screen where we should be able to select Del to enter the bios but cannot enter a command.
So far I've tried:-
1) A PS/2 keyboard.
2) 2 different USB keyboards, both of which work on another computer - I could see that no power seemed to be getting to the keyboard as the num lock light wasn't lit but we have plugged in another USB device and that gets power.
3) Swopped the graphics card (Nvidia Geforce GTS450) between slots - in one slot the card isn't recognised.
4) Swopped the RAM between slots - in all slots the computer starts and gets to the splash screen - Ram is a single 8Gb stick of DDR3
5) Disconnected any non essential items in case too much power was being drawn - Power supply = 750w
6) Started selecting Del as soon as the computer starts instead of waiting for the splash screen
7) Left the battery out overnight to reset the CMOS

Tried starting with a) No HDD b) The OS HDD c) 2 HDD's daisy chained
Do I have another faulty motherboard? Or is the problem that the motherboard can't handle the i5-3570K processor (the techspecs seem to indicate it does)? Or am I missing something so obvious I'll be slapping myself stupid for weeks?
Any advice gratefully received.