Official GIGABYTE Forum

no display 3 beeps at startup B75M-D3H VER 1.1

no display 3 beeps at startup B75M-D3H VER 1.1
« on: July 21, 2013, 08:30:34 pm »
i have recently purchased Gigabyte B75M-D3H ver 1.1 , here is m configuraion and problem.
intel G2010 processor 3mb cache
1333 ddr3
600w psu

I hooked up this board and everything worked fine for a week, one day I turned off the pc (atx off or by shutdown option in windows )and it automatically turned on and again turn off, this on-off continued untill I switched off the power.
next time when I turned it on, it gave me message that "your primary bios is corrupted and recovering from secondary bios" the process went to 100% sucessfully and it rebooted itself.

after reboot threre is no display and it gives 3 beeps in series like "TEE TEE TEE"         "TEE TEE TEE" and so on , if I remove the ram and turn it on it gives continuous beep like "TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,
if I remove processor, it turns on and off , on and off , the same way I observed pripor to message saying your primary bios is corrupted...

now my system is completely down, no display and board gives 3 beeps.... need help to troubleshoot the problem.

thanksin advance.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 08:36:39 pm by kailasgosavi »