« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 02:50:14 am »
Ok think i have this sortted for you if someone else wants to add in feel free as i could be mistaken. It is your CPU not your motherboard. I was going to ask you what operating system you are using which by the way for future post please add in PSU, operationg system and so on the general rule is more info better answers.
Now back to your original question The memory controller on the Phenom II would run 4 x 4 gig sticks at 1600 but you are overloading the memory channel with 8 gig sticks. The motherboard does support it but you will have to update your processor to get it. The highest speed your CPU supports is 1600 i bet if you moved them to the last to slots and downclocked to 1333 they would work in dual channel. Why dont you try that and report back.
If you update to a am3+ cpu that controller should work at 1600 dual channel or 2T as CPUZ reports it.
ABSIC made a spefic thread about am3 cpu,s and ram speeds might want to read it to understand more and TY to ABSIC for his hard work in putting all thast info into a STICKY THREAD at the top of this forum but here is a direct link to it.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 02:56:01 am by autotech »

GA-Z170X-UD5,Core i5-6600K,16 GIG,3200 ram ,2 X Corsair 240GB SATA III SSD, 500 gig HD,7 ult 64\, Rx-480 8gig\
Z97X-SOC GIGABYTE, I5 4670k, 16 gig 1600 ram, 240 gig sata3 SSD,1x 500HD/ R9 280x, corsair 650 RM PSU
GA-Z97X-Gaming G1,850 corsair,,DDR4 3200,240SSd,6950 video,850EVA