Official GIGABYTE Forum

Gigabyte Z87oc board - Pci express and Bandwidth Issues Causing 116BSOD`s...


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ok my issues are this, has to be the bios on the motherboard or the motherboard its self.

 running X06 bios;

 the issues are bandwith related and 116bsod`s on logging in and sometimes my cards are being shown as different pci express speeds cpuz bandwidth test will completely freeze the system up
 one card will be running at 99% the other at 40% or 60% and never at its proper 99%
 sometimes i will boot into windows and get past the logining in 116bsod to find that one of my cards is running at 99% all on its own, its roasting when i touch the gpu cooler
 sometimes it will boot up and crash at various spots due to the cards not being detected properly.... always bsod116 card could not reset - also in cpuz bandwidth test 1 card will be running at pce ex 3.0 16x @ pci express 3.0 8x
 and the other will be running at pci express 3.0 16x @ pci express 2.0 8x, lots of confusing stuff going on and im sure for defo that its a bios issue....

 now i have done the following tests.

 removed both cards
 put one card in top most slot then tested in windows, and everything is fine no issues, run 3 heaven benches and gpuz bandwidth test : pci express 3.0 16x @ pci express 3.0 16x
 then i pulled it out and tested the other card, again no issues
 then i pulled out that card and put it in the 3rd slot, again no issues everything works fine
 then i pulled out that card and put the other in the 3rd slot again no issues everything works.

 so thats me ruled out the cards
 and ruled out the possibility of a faulty pci express slot.
 so then i though what the hell and downgraded the bios to X02...
 and what do you know everything is working again as it should cards are being detected, though there is something still going on, cant really pinpoint it but if they take a look at the X04 and compair the changes with X02 with pci express detection they might see something but so far using X02 everything is working

 i just dont understand what they have done to X04 bios cause these above issues will probably be there in X05 and i would hate that.
 whats your thoughts guys cause i dunno whats going on with graphics cards and getting there proper detection. as something is screwy.


 My system configuration :

 7950 slot 1 orange
 7950 slot 3 orange
 Creative ZXR sound card slot 4 orange

 really need some help with this as X02 is fine at the minute but something makes me think its just a little more stable than the Crash fest X04.
one other thing, if you select PCI GEN 2 then i am able to play for longer before the BSOD 116 freeze crash if i select GEN 3 the crash happens faster, its like the PCI EXPRESS compatibility is not stable...
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 04:29:53 pm by ViRuS2k »