Official GIGABYTE Forum

H77N-WiFi IO Shield

H77N-WiFi IO Shield
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:40:59 pm »
So I noticed that the IO Shield has some kind of foam on. I've not built a computer in a long time.
I opted to remove this foam and just left it in the box.

I then decided to google if the io shield needs the foam on for grounding etc, I then discovered that it does.

I got the foam out of the box it was still sticky (had been sitting in there a day or two) managed to put it back on no problem looks just like a new.

Even fitted the motherboard in and screwing it to the stand offs to make sure it'll fit properly.

Will this be an issue since I removed the foam and reapplied it?

I can't turn it on atm as I dont get the CPU till next week.

If you're unsure what I mean by foam


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Re: H77N-WiFi IO Shield
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2013, 03:02:53 pm »
They have just start doing this with the IO plate. I have build over two hundred computers.

98% of them didn't have the foam on the IO plates. So if you didn't turn it on you should OK.

Even if you did power it up you should still OK. I have read that it will happen here and there that it might short out.
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