Hello Gigabyters,
Sorry if this is the wrong section, I am new to this forum.
I was told you guys may be able to help me as I have a giga motherboard (B75M-D3H) which has apparently had some similar issues in the past.
The issue occurred last night, my system was not registering the right mouse click so I attempted to open the logitech peripherals utility. The programme would not open or respond so I went to restart my system.
On rebooting a BIOS dialogue box appeared which showed something similar to:
"Your system is not running at fully optimized settings"
Of which the three options were:
1.Set to default optimum and boot
2.Set to default optimum and reboot
3.Cancel/ boot normally (or something similar)
I selected 2.Set to default optimum settings and reboot and since have'nt been able to get passed the post BIOS Windows loading screen.
On each failed boot attempt I am prompted to check and repair files using the Win File checker tool,
This fails to sort the problem and the sig is as follows:
Problem Signature:
problem event name: startup repair offline
signature 01. 6.1.7600.16385
signature 02. 6.1.7600.16385
signatue 03 unknown
signature 04. 21199809
signature 05 autofailover
signature 06. 7
signature 07. NoRootCause
os version 6.1.7601.
locale id . 1033
I then navigated into the Win recovery environment and attempted to system restore to a point on the 21/10/13 (Failed) and also 13/10/13 (Failed)
Both these attempts failed and read an error msg of 0x80070067
I then checked the memory using the memory diagnostic tool and there are no problems at 100% completion.
I then tried to boot from my Win 7 CD (Selecting my CD drive as the default boot location in BIOS) The exact same errors occurred.
I cannot run sfc/ scannow in the command prompt menu (in recovery environ) as there is a system repair 'pending'
On rebooting I get 3 short BIOS beeps if I use my original Logitech keyboard, (Using a DasKeyboard doesnt have the same problem)
Could it be the drivers where the problem initially started?
I hope I have been clear enough for you to offer me some advice.
And any advice or experience of this problem is welcome.
