I have installed windows since 3.11 and for workgroups so have around 20 years experience.
this mobo is something else.
just spent best part of 16 hours last night trying and unsuccessfully trying to install win 7
so options I have tried
1 stick of ram in all 4 slots
other stick of ram and ran a mem test for 8 hours with no problem.
(4 lots of 2 hours on the two different sticks of ram in different channels)
used a 500 gb fujitsu hdd.
then tried a 120gb corsair force gt ssd
then tried a seagate 1tb hdd.
used an old dvd drive to insert windows cd
used new lite on slot drive with windows cd
unplugged everything apart from 1 stick DRAM, DVD Drive and single
unplugged usb3 cable.
reset bios
downloaded and flashed F3 bios to F5 bios.
tried it all again.
same problem EVERY TIME !
unpacks windows onto HDD or SSD
does its thing and installs it, I choose a user name and PC name, reboots
loads the desktop and does its optimising video drivers
then reboots to a reboot Loop HEAVEN

tried installing with low (800x640) video drivers.
same thing.
seriously this mobo is NOT good.
just gona try windows 8 see if its a driver problem with 7