« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 10:40:48 pm »
Let see here that I have updated the bios on two x79-UD3 boards and a x79- UP4. Plus where does it tell to do that.
To update the bios just go in and set the cmos to default settings save and exit. Than go back and use Q-flash.
Put the new bios on a flash drive and plug that in before you boot up. Once the update is done it will tell you to shut down.
Unplug the power than clear the cmos and pull the battery. Wait 5 mins put the battery back in unclear the cmos.
Boot up again go in and set it to the default setting save and exit. Then you back in and setup the bios like you had it. plus check the date and time.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 10:42:38 pm by dmdilks »

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