Hello, I have a Gigabyte.g1 assassin 2, heres my story
I was on the bios and decided to overclock too get a bit more performance and decided to use the 3d overclocking feature, So I raise my clock speed too 4.2 Ghz and set vcore to 1.290 v (kept bclk on auto) so I save and reboot, open core temp, cpuz all that stuff then run prime 95 temps were fine then I check Vcore the voltage was sitting at 1.260v so I decided to go back to bios and correct it while In bios the vcore shot up to 1.356 volts I loaded optimized defaults as fast as I could the saved and rebootd. Bamm bricked I get the post screen In high definiton is the only way I could put it when it's usually in a low resoloution. Can't access bios or anything nothing works then it beeps three slow times then it turns to a black screen and has a bleeping underscore while just sitting like that untill I turned it off.
Ok no worries as I have a second BIOS which I loaded and everything was fine but I never flashed the bios so I thought that could be a problem. So I go to gigabyet website and yes it was the right board and revision number and downloaded F11. So I go back to my bios flash everythings going well the wouldn't you know it that get's the exact same problem as BIOS 1 with the post screen then the blinking underscore.
So what can I do guys I've already tried
Resetting CMOS
Done the power switch thing were you hold the power button the let go quickly
Re seated everything
booted with a USB flash drive with the latest bios on it to see if it would somehow update it.
Is a new motherboard on the table or what?
Thanks for the help