It was 100% not a bent pin or a bad PSU. The board just didn't support the CPU out of the box as it advertised. I returned it an got an MSi 990FXA-GD80v2, booted flawlessly.
Aside from the obvious lack of CPU support, what I didn't like about the Gigabyte board was the lack of on-board led debugging. When it failed to post, I had to guess what the problem based on very limited symptoms. I have had MSI boards in the past and they all have had the led debugging and post code reader on-board. This is VERY usefull.
Thanks for the help, but the RMA the CPU, bent pins and bad PSU conclusions were way off, I understand you don't want to assume the board - but read the symptoms. My first post indicated the CPU worked fine in the board I had upgraded from and I had tried multiple PSU's ... help the users, don't lead them away from a solution because you want to protect your brand.