Why the bios can`t detected my hdd`s Samsung Spinpoint F1 500 GB
I want build RAID 0 with this disks 2 x HDD Samsung Spinpoint F1
Only 1 time I can enter to raid bios (ctrl + I) create raid 0 save and after restart - blue screen

and computer restart
In my old computer (I5-750, GA P55A UD4) bios always see both disks - where can use Gparted or use command Non raid in Raid bios
When I conect this disks under windows 7-64 (hot plug) ewerything is ok,manager disks see both, then restart system and bios can see both disks, next power off, power on, and bios can`t see disks or computer restart and restart and can`t enter to bios.
Sometimes I can enter to gios but bios can`t see this disks.
Sometimes bios can see only 1 disk (samsung)

other disk (MX 100 and WD 1 TB ) bios see always.
When I`m conect ONLY SSD crucial MX 100 256 GB (AHCI) and WD 1TB green - there is no problem.
Bios ver. F5
Sorry for my poor english

Ewerything is NEW: GA-Z97X-Gaming 5. I5-4690K,Kingston HyperX Genesis 2x4 GB, Crucial SSD MX-100 256 GB, WD 1 TB green,MSI GTX 770, XFX XTR 550W
2 x Samsung Spinpoint F1 500 GB, 3 years old
edit: model hdd hd502hj-sata2