Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-P55-UD6: random reboots


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GA-P55-UD6: random reboots
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:34:48 am »

My specs;
Gigabyte GA-P55-UD6 rev. 1
Core i3 1156 530
6GB DDR Memory (3x Kingston KVR1333D3N9/2GB)
Crucial SSD M500 240GB
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Geforce EN210
Tagan TG480 (480Watt)
Bios version: F3
AHCI mode

I recently got this Motherboard because my previous one suddenly died after a Windows Update (Asus P7H55-M/usb3). I could not get into the Bios, no beebs, no errors, fans were spinning. led was green.

The first problem I ran into with the Gigabyte MB was that the pc was not able to boot and load entirely from a Windows DVD or USB stick (made bootable). After many hours of trying to find the cause I pulled out 2 of the 3 memory sticks (left only 1 in slot DDR3_1), and suddenly the pc was able to boot from the usb! To check if a dim slot was faulty I placed a 2nd stick into slot DDR3_4. Same problem. Then I switched both sticks between the slots, problem also wasn't fixed. After that I pulled one stick from slot DDR3_4, and the pc was working again.

The sticks are fine, the slot must be faulty or dualchannel is not working properly. Anyway, I thought I was going to sort out the dualchannel problem later, so I kept one 2GB Ram stick and started the installationprocess.

Already during the installation, if I remember correctly, and also even before all drivers were installed I got spontaneous reboots. After disabling the automatic restart there is no BSOD, but it keeps rebooting. It happens randomly, sometimes it happens when I install software, or just when the pc is doing nothing.

But in Safe Mode everything seems fine!
So could it be a driver issue? But that is weird, because it even happened before all the drivers were installed. Or is it the PSU? Could it be that the power consumption of this board is much bigger than with the previous board? Then again, in safe mode everything is ok.
The CPU is not getting warm (30C).

Hopefully somebody is able to help. Let me know if you guys need more information.


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Re: GA-P55-UD6: random reboots
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2014, 04:55:39 pm »
PSU unit is not the problem, I have replaced the Tagan unit with another PSU, it didn't solve the problem.

I'm going to check the RAM with Memtest.

It made 4 passes last time I checked with no errors. When I came back to check again, the computer has rebooted and crashed during the Windows start screen! So it must be hardware related. I will try to find out if the SSD drive is causing some hardware conflict. This is not good.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 08:53:16 pm by Looper »