I am currently experiencing an issue with this board and 2x8 kingston beast 2400 xmp memory.
Randomly when I boot I will experience terrible performance in games. If I use default settings (1333mhz no xmp) most of the time the computer works fine and I get decent performance - although very occasionally I do get the symptoms shown below but not often.
If I enable XMP the majority of the time I will experience awful performance
ie world of warcraft 20-30 fps as opposed to 80-100 fps
cs go extreme jittering and fps drops during gunfire / smoke (down to 15-20fps)
The computer is rock solid and will never crash... unless I enable xmp and set the mem to 2400 it will either bsod or hardlock during games
Computer specs as follows:
i7 4770k Haswell
16gb 2400 xmp kingston beast
ati 7990 saphire stock
Corsair RM1000 watt Gold PSU
SB recon3d pciex soundcard
OCZ Agility 3 ssd 240gb
4tb wd black hdd
This has been going on for a while and my main suspicion is that this board and ram just do not seem to like each-other

I am borrowing some 1600 mhz corsair 2x4 gb to try for a while so I will see if it behaves itself with this memory.
I am running f8 Bios. I see there are beta f9 - f10 beta bios available... im not overly a fan of using a beta bios but any idea what the updates on these are? I cant seem to find a definitive answer
Any input would be much appreciated.