Hi all,
this is my first post on the Gigabyte forums and I'm after a little advice from users of the above board.
I purchased this board for a new build in January this year. It was subsequently returned to the vendor who replaced it under warranty. The issue with the first board was that of the 8 USB ports on the rear, the two USB2 ports were completely non-functional and of the six USB3 ports, only two were working.
I subsequently rebuilt the system with the replacement board in March of this year but due to pressures of work, there it sat until now when I finally decided to pull my finger out, move my programs and personal data across and start using it as my main pc.
It wasn't long before I encountered a similar problem to before. This time, all the USB ports work but the USB 3 ports will only recognise USB3 devices - if I plug a usb2 device into anything other than one of the two USB2 ports, it's simply not seen - not much good to me, given that I have USB2 Xbox Controllers, mouse, keyboard, memory sticks et al.
I have been talking to eSupport who had me update the drivers and flash to the latest F9c Beta bios using efiflash - I did both and predictably, it made no difference. Their latest response was to merely state USB3 drivers on this system allow both USB3 and USB2 devices to be used and then closed the query without further explanation. I have opened another ticket and asked for further guidance, meanwhile - has anyone else with this board experienced the same issue or do I need to return this board yet again. I'm beginning to lose a little confidence . . . .