Official GIGABYTE Forum

EP45-DS3P reset loop

EP45-DS3P reset loop
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:53:58 pm »
Subj motherboard doesn't start correctly. No any beeps, no image on the montior after powering-up. S1 led sometimes (every 7-8 secs) lights synchronously with cpu led for about 1 second. All 6 phase led's are on. After 15-25 secs system goes off and then turns on again. It loops. One more notice: S4/5 led flashes red since PSU turned on till first start of system. CPU, RAM and PSU is OK (issue appears if using others of them). Physically motherboard is OK, LGA pins are not bent. Different actions with clear cmos onboard button take no effect. CPU heats like operating.
Tried Q8400 and E8400. Both work on another MB. Tried Hiper 550W and Tt 430W, both powers another system well. RAM's are Hynix 800MHz and Corsair XMS2.
Plaese help me.