Hey guys,
First post, and, heres hoping someone knows what I am rambling about!

And also I hope this is in the right place, apologies if not.
Had a reinstall of windows 8.1 on a formatted drive. I had foolishly clicked the wrong thing installing an audio converter, and, was graced with having "Positive Finds" infesting my machine. So, once windows started up, 2 of my 4 audio/video drives were showing as "unresponsive" in the libraries, and, as such, I couldnt access them on the PS3 downstairs.
Now, I think I have put my specs in my profile, however, this "may" have a bearing, my PC is connected to my TV, HDMI to HDMI, straight off the motherboard, rather than a "normal" PC cable. I have a spare DVI to HDMI, and, a standard one too, I "think" my PC has connection for a PC, its certainly in the menu
For some reason, couldn’t install from USB, and, DVD drive wont read properly, so, eventually, managed to get Win 7 installed from USB and upgraded to 8.1 however, same issue, still other niggles.
After much messing about, I basically used @BIOS to upgrade from F8 to F9 (on reflection, and reading some comments elsewhere, this may not have been the best idea!, but, clearly too late now)
Upgraded all drivers and, its all gone horribly wrong! Here are some of the effects, hopefully recognisable to some
Start up, the resolution is wrong, seems stretched out the sides of the screen
Start up, press del, into bios, it comes up, resolution is all messed up, and, has an instant message saying refreshing/resizing, and the usual countdown. Press ok, after that, I get “do I want to automatically not try HD resolution for bios?” if I press yes, or no, or do nothing, mouse and bios freeze up, can do nothing, then, have to restart.
Start up, press F12 for boot option menu, just get a black screen, so, cant select where to boot from
So, prior to this, and, as some form of safety net, I installed multiboot on a 5Gb partition on my SSD/Windows drive. But… it doesn’t find my windows install on startup (clearly the boot preferences have changed), but, it does find multiboot. If I press use primary HDD, no boot media. If I choose “install windows”, it… boots into my windows install! Which, is something of a godsend in as much as I still have a "working" pc, even if its behaving very strangely.
Any thoughts, suggestions etc will be more than gratefully received