My brand new Gigabyte P34W V3-CF2 laptop met with an unfortunate accident when I was removing the lower case to fit an m-Sata SSD I had ordered for it.
All screws removed, but I couldnt separate the two pressed tangs at the front of the laptop, gentle rocking movements back to front separated everything nicely apart from at the front. it would appear the (very thin) plastic has sheared around these press clips . Hence the bottom of my laptop has no front corners!

All I wanted to do was fit the m-SSD, now I've ended up needing a new lower case section.
That being said once the cover came off the m-SSD went in no problem, and the machine is lovely and fast!
They'll probably say its my fault and I am liable for the lower case, but I would at least like to know if I can source the part!
Feel especially foolish as it is 3 days old