I was looking for help after none of my USB 2.0 on my brand new (I bought it yesterday) GA-970A-UD3P works on linux.
First of all I tried all the bios configuration checks possible, and then I gave up after I couldn't fix the problem.
I saw in this post:
http://forum.giga-byte.co.uk/index.php/topic,14802.0.htmlthat there are other AMD motherboards with the same problem. Just look in google for the problem in google, a lot of motherboards, specially from gigabyte and MSI have this problem. A few asus also got this problem.
The only way to fix it is with a BIOS update.
As a workaroud, use the VIA ports provided with this mobo, hopefully you have 2 back and 2 fron (via front panel). In the meantime we need your help Gigabyte!, we need a new bios with the latest AMD AHCI bios ROM and USB compatibility fixes.
I saw that you are starting to do the job, as motherboards like GA-970A-DS3P are getting the update.
I got this motherboard as a replacement for my old ASUS M5A97 EVO R2.0, which also has this problem, but It was fixed last may with a bios update.
Question: is there any BIOS for the GA-970A-UD3P mobo on the way?, there is only one, F1, and It is quite old.
also please note, the mouse is slow as hell when I enter the bios, this shoould be also fix.
Thanks and regards.