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Stuck on splash screen of Gigabyte motherboard

Stuck on splash screen of Gigabyte motherboard
« on: August 28, 2015, 07:35:38 pm »
I've been getting stuck on my Gigabyte P55A-UD3R motherboard splash ever since I've used the restart function in windows. I was having FPS lag in my game and then I thought I would restart the computer properly using the windows restart function(Which I almost NEVER did before), and that's when the problem started occurring. It's very frustrating.

I suspected I had faulty RAMs so I messed around with them and at some point I think I forced them in the slots flipped, that caused some copper teeth to get scraped off, idiot I know, but I didn't realize that I'd done that until I sent it to a store and I told them directly that I probably had faulty rams(concluded from over 10 hours of googling and trying to fix it), and then he replaced the RAMs I had (2x 2gb) with a one piece 4 GB, and the PC booted properly, I shut it down using the windows function(not restart, because I didn't think of it yet), and it seemed to work well.

I brought it home, my CPU temperatures were ~55-60 C on idle, I had a fan on it working properly, a pedestal fan pointed at the computer, but still had that heat. I had my first core on 96% usage almost all the time, even on idle, then I restarted it using the restart function and boom, stuck on mobo splash screen again, and that's when I started thinking hmm, it might be the restart function. I made a thread on another forum and I did the following things:

1. I removed all devices connected except my HDMI and power cable.
2. I removed the RAM and placed in different slots.
3. I removed my HDD and added it back again later.
4. I cleared CMOS, waited an entire night, and I removed the battery, cleared CMOS, waited a long time too.
5. I kicked in the back up BIOS my motherboard has, but still stuck on the splash screen.
6. I removed my CPU heat sink, cleaned it with acetone before applying new thermal paste on, still stuck on splash.
7. Cleaned the entire computer with pressured air.

When I brought my computer back from the store where it worked there with the new RAM, as soon as I got into the windows, I noticed that my video card's drivers were non-existent. I thought no biggie, must have been the cleared CMOS and I installed it back again, shut it down, worked for a while, then it no longer worked after shutting it down later when I went to sleep.

I got really frustrated and didn't know what to do today, so I launched it for the last time and it worked and it asked me to select previous BIOS settings and I picked the last successful boot settings. I shut it down to test if the problem had gone away, but nope, same problem again.

Help, please?

P.S. I have Intel Core i5 760 2.8 GHz
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 07:39:12 pm by alashka »

Re: Stuck on splash screen of Gigabyte motherboard
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2015, 07:40:32 pm »
I forgot to mention that I noticed that whenever my computer booted successfully, it used to shut down by itself then start up again after I press the power button once.

Power button>start up then seconds later>shut down>seconds later it starts up

And that's when it worked, for a while..


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Re: Stuck on splash screen of Gigabyte motherboard
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2015, 03:39:43 pm »
From an OS perspective, there is no difference between shutting down / restarting using the start button menu, or ALT+F4 dialog.  Start from shutdown is cold boot.  Start from "restart" on start menu (or F4) is warm boot.

You stated the problem appeared when you tried a (restart) warm boot.  A newly connected device, or hardware change could cause this.  A problem with the BIOS or back up BIOS might also be indicated.  Others have posted similar behavior when the back up BIOS becomes corrupt.  Solutions varied, but a common fix was to force a reflash of the back up BIOS. ALT+F10 or ALT+F12 depending.

First step, CLR_CMOS and battery pull.  Then forced re-flash.  If I knew I had made a recent hardware change... perform hardware inspection, un-do any recent changes, remove and reseat cards, memory, checking your connections / cabling.  Had I not made changes, I may continue to look at the BIOS.

You've said you installed DIMMs reversed.  If the shop's solution was to stop using that slot, then you have your answer, damaged memory slot.  I don't waste time encouraging people to "make do" or limp along. 

Video card drivers don't un-install, erase or disappear by clearing or resetting the BIOS, it sounds like the shop removed them.

If the board doesn't work with two known good DIMMs (and did before), it's now damaged.  If you decide to use it like this or with one DIMM installed, then unexpected behavior comes along with that.  While you might be able to troubleshoot the possibility of a BIOS problem, I'd focus on hardware.  Otherwise repair or replace.  How you proceed is up to you.
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