Windows 7.
...the issue is the Motherboard/soundcard not my other specs.
This is a bummer, I have had my machine running for about 5 months now. Built around this motherboard GIGABYTE G1 Gaming GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 (rev. 1.0).
Im extremly dissappointed. My sound crashs frequently. Only fix is a restart, and it happens again. Most frequently it happens when in audio chat. The noise crashs to what sounsd like 8BIT and gets extremly loud. How can so many people have the same issue, and a solution has not been created? why did I leave Asus... I tried new drivers.... problem still happens... Not sure next step. The other issue, while i have headphones and speakers plugged simultaneously. and boot up. THe speakers will not work. So i end up having to boot without the headphones connected, Then plug them in afterwards to back of pc... very annoying as its in back of computer desk hard to access. Sometimes if I unplug and plug in my audio jacks into the Golden ports in the back that gets the speakrs to work but then the headphones crap out.
All together......something is a miss with this onboard sound card? do i have options for sound cards.. 2 of what look like PCI slots a available? what can i do to get a new sound card instead of working with a PC i have to restart constantly to get good sound