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Windows 7 won't sleep automatically Z68X-UD3H-B3

Windows 7 won't sleep automatically Z68X-UD3H-B3
« on: January 03, 2016, 10:04:36 pm »
I'm running Windows 7 SP1 64 bit, fully patched, and it will not automatically sleep. I have the power settings option to "Put the computer to sleep" set for 30 minutes, but the computer will not sleep even when leaving the computer running overnight with no applications running. I've tried disabling my antivirus, etc.

My system will sleep when I manually initiate sleep, and it then stays asleep and wakes normally. The issue is that it will not automatically sleep when I walk away and leave no applications running. My system is otherwise running very well.

I'm running an i5-2500K CPU on a Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3 motherboard with the F11 bios and 12Gb of DDR3 RAM. I have two WD Black 1TB drives in a RAID 1 array using the Intel ICH controller on the motherboard. I have an AMD R9 380 graphics card. The system is not overclocked.

I'm running all the latest patches and drivers. I've had this issue for at least six months (maybe a year). I've tried disabling my anti-virus and Carbonite.

I've tried several options to troubleshoot this, but I've had no luck.

Does anyone have any ideas for me?

I ran powercfg -requests, but I did not see anything holding it up:

C:\Windows\system32>powercfg -requests



I ran powercfg -devicequery wake_armed, but only the keyboard is set to wake:

C:\Windows\system32>powercfg -devicequery wake_armed
HID Keyboard Device (005)
HID Keyboard Device (011)

Finally, I've run powercfg -ENERGY, and here is the result:

Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report

Computer Name   DESKTOP
Scan Time   2016-01-03T17:48:16Z
Scan Duration   60 seconds
System Manufacturer   Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Product Name   Z68X-UD3H-B3
BIOS Date   02/21/2012
BIOS Version   F11
OS Build   7601
Platform Role   PlatformRoleDesktop
Plugged In   true
Process Count   106
Thread Count   1595
Report GUID   {97c902ec-fff7-4590-a337-a5b8245b0b5b}
Analysis Results


Power Policy:Power Plan Personality is High Performance (Plugged In)
The current power plan personality is High Performance when the system is plugged in.
Power Policy:Disk idle is disabled (Plugged In)
The disk is not configured to turn off after a period of disk inactivity.
Power Policy:Minimum processor performance state is 100% (Plugged In)
The processor is not configured to automatically reduce power consumption based on activity.
Power Policy:PCI Express ASPM is disabled (Plugged In)
The current power policy for PCI Express Active State Power Management (ASPM) is configured to Off.
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   USB Input Device
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 26, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_06A3&PID_0D25
Port Path   1,3
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   Generic USB Hub
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 26, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_8087&PID_0024
Port Path   1
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   USB Composite Device
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 29, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B
Port Path   1,7
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   USB Root Hub
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 26, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_8086&PID_1C2D
Port Path   
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   USB Root Hub
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 29, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_8086&PID_1C26
Port Path   
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   USB Composite Device
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 29, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_058F&PID_6364
Port Path   1,5
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   USB Composite Device
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 26, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_1532&PID_0024
Port Path   1,4
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   Generic USB Hub
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 29, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_8087&PID_0024
Port Path   1
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name   USB Composite Device
Host Controller ID   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26
Host Controller Location   PCI bus 0, device 29, function 0
Device ID   USB\VID_04B8&PID_08B8
Port Path   1,8
Platform Power Management Capabilities:PCI Express Active-State Power Management (ASPM) Disabled
PCI Express Active-State Power Management (ASPM) has been disabled due to a known incompatibility with the hardware in this computer.

Platform Timer Resolution:Platform Timer Resolution
The default platform timer resolution is 15.6ms (15625000ns) and should be used whenever the system is idle. If the timer resolution is increased, processor power management technologies may not be effective. The timer resolution may be increased due to multimedia playback or graphical animations.
Current Timer Resolution (100ns units)   9765
Maximum Timer Period (100ns units)   156250
Platform Timer Resolution:Outstanding Timer Request
A program or service has requested a timer resolution smaller than the platform maximum timer resolution.
Requested Period   10000
Requesting Process ID   14152
Requesting Process Path   \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Platform Timer Resolution:Outstanding Timer Request
A program or service has requested a timer resolution smaller than the platform maximum timer resolution.
Requested Period   10000
Requesting Process ID   11132
Requesting Process Path   \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloudServices.exe
Power Policy:802.11 Radio Power Policy is Maximum Performance (Plugged In)
The current power policy for 802.11-compatible wireless network adapters is not configured to use low-power modes.
CPU Utilization:Processor utilization is moderate
The average processor utilization during the trace was moderate. The system will consume less power when the average processor utilization is very low. Review processor utilization for individual processes to determine which applications and services contribute the most to total processor utilization.
Average Utilization (%)   3.13
CPU Utilization:Individual process with significant processor utilization.
This process is responsible for a significant portion of the total processor utilization recorded during the trace.
Process Name   avp.exe
PID   1992
Average Utilization (%)   1.03
Module   Average Module Utilization (%)
\Device\HarddiskVolume2\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP16.0.0\Bases\Cache\qscan.kdl.b75ea7c91381b17c891546b33f98c263   0.42
\Device\HarddiskVolume2\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP16.0.0\Bases\Cache\kavsys.kdl.ec2dfc01cc3a053e3aa6e662f9b23b48   0.11
\SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe   0.08
CPU Utilization:Individual process with significant processor utilization.
This process is responsible for a significant portion of the total processor utilization recorded during the trace.
Process Name   CarboniteService.exe
PID   1392
Average Utilization (%)   0.53
Module   Average Module Utilization (%)
\SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe   0.20
\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Carbonite\Carbonite Backup\CarboniteService.exe   0.16
\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll   0.09

Platform Timer Resolution:Timer Request Stack
The stack of modules responsible for the lowest platform timer setting in this process.
Requested Period   10000
Requesting Process ID   14152
Requesting Process Path   \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Calling Module Stack   \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\47.0.2526.106\libglesv2.dll
\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\47.0.2526.106\chrome_child.dll
Platform Timer Resolution:Timer Request Stack
The stack of modules responsible for the lowest platform timer setting in this process.
Requested Period   10000
Requesting Process ID   11132
Requesting Process Path   \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloudServices.exe
Calling Module Stack   \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\WTF.dll
Power Policy:Active Power Plan
The current power plan in use
Plan Name   OEM High Performance
Plan GUID   {8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c}
Power Policy:Power Plan Personality (Plugged In)
The personality of the current power plan when the system is plugged in.
Personality   High Performance
Power Policy:Video quality (Plugged In)
Enables Windows Media Player to optimize for quality or power savings when playing video.
Quality Mode   Optimize for Video Quality
System Availability Requests:Analysis Success
Analysis was successful. No energy efficiency problems were found. No information was returned.
Battery:Analysis Success
Analysis was successful. No energy efficiency problems were found. No information was returned.
Platform Power Management Capabilities:Supported Sleep States
Sleep states allow the computer to enter low-power modes after a period of inactivity. The S3 sleep state is the default sleep state for Windows platforms. The S3 sleep state consumes only enough power to preserve memory contents and allow the computer to resume working quickly. Very few platforms support the S1 or S2 Sleep states.
S1 Sleep Supported   false
S2 Sleep Supported   false
S3 Sleep Supported   true
S4 Sleep Supported   true
Platform Power Management Capabilities:Processor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group   0
Index   0
Idle (C) State Count   3
Performance (P) State Count   19
Throttle (T) State Count   8
Platform Power Management Capabilities:Processor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group   0
Index   1
Idle (C) State Count   3
Performance (P) State Count   19
Throttle (T) State Count   8
Platform Power Management Capabilities:Processor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group   0
Index   2
Idle (C) State Count   3
Performance (P) State Count   19
Throttle (T) State Count   8
Platform Power Management Capabilities:Processor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group   0
Index   3
Idle (C) State Count   3
Performance (P) State Count   19
Throttle (T) State Count   8


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  • "If it isn't broke don't fix it"
Re: Windows 7 won't sleep automatically Z68X-UD3H-B3
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2016, 01:46:25 pm »
I have the same MB in a computer that I'm selling. I'll check it to see if it will go into sleep mode.
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.


  • 3099
  • 43
  • "If it isn't broke don't fix it"
Re: Windows 7 won't sleep automatically Z68X-UD3H-B3
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2016, 03:04:43 pm »
Ok I was wrong on the board mine is the GA-Z68A-D3H-B3. Mine goes into sleep with no problem. But when is comes out it gets really ugly. I can't use the mouse or keyboard. I have to use the power by pushing it twice.

Then comes out of sleep with a blinking line in the top left corner. I have to restart it again. Then the screen it comes too resume or delete the resume point. I have to delete the resume point.

I'll have to play around some more to see if I can get it to work. Plus my board is up to date too F13.

X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.