So the topic says it all. You should be able to boot with 2400, or 3200, but you simply can't. Only 2133 will POST the systems. Bios' up to F5/ 2015/10/13 versions do not fix the problem. F6 versions are in BETA still. You must manually with 2133 RAM, then set your bios settings to use 2133 instead of auto-detect. Only then can you replace your 2133 RAM with faster 2400, or better, but it will still run at 2133 max. If you update your BIOS, or clear CMOS, you'll have to use 2133 RAM to post again.
I have two questions I want to track answers to
1) Have any of the F6 beta bioses fixed this bug?
2) Has anyone been able to run their RAM at faster than 2133 after posting?