Official GIGABYTE Forum

Dolby Digital Live on Z170X Gaming G1 and Z170X Gaming 7


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Dolby Digital Live on Z170X Gaming G1 and Z170X Gaming 7
« on: December 28, 2015, 10:20:48 pm »
Do the Z170X Gaming G1 and Z170X Gaming 7 support Dolby Digital Live? (over S/PDIF obviously)

I suspiciously do not see any mention of Dolby Digital Live nor DTS Connect in any of the documentations.
Also very suspiciously the screenshots from Creative SBX Pro Studio Audio Suite on the home page of both those motherboards are missing the 'CINEMATIC' tab which is where you usually enable either Dolby Digital Live or DTS Connect.

Is it fair to assume the killer feature of the SBX has been disabled on those motherboards?


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Re: Dolby Digital Live on Z170X Gaming G1 and Z170X Gaming 7
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2015, 09:27:25 pm »
Do the Z170X Gaming G1 and Z170X Gaming 7 support Dolby Digital Live? (over S/PDIF obviously)

I suspiciously do not see any mention of Dolby Digital Live nor DTS Connect in any of the documentations.
Also very suspiciously the screenshots from Creative SBX Pro Studio Audio Suite on the home page of both those motherboards are missing the 'CINEMATIC' tab which is where you usually enable either Dolby Digital Live or DTS Connect.

Is it fair to assume the killer feature of the SBX has been disabled on those motherboards?
I have Z170X Gaming 7 and I can confirm there's no DDL nor DTS Connect option available (no Cinematic tab as well). I use analog connection now but I don't think this would become available if I'd connect optical.


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Re: Dolby Digital Live on Z170X Gaming G1 and Z170X Gaming 7
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 07:09:49 pm »
I have Z170X Gaming 7 and I can confirm there's no DDL nor DTS Connect option available (no Cinematic tab as well). I use analog connection now but I don't think this would become available if I'd connect optical.

Thanks a lot for confirming that. I went for an Asus WS in the end. I was considering those GIGABYTE because I was hoping I could do without a sound card but that's obviously not the case. Why bother integrating those chips on their boards and then cripple them? Surely with such a price point they could afford paying Dolby and DTS the license fees.

Re: Dolby Digital Live on Z170X Gaming G1 and Z170X Gaming 7
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2016, 12:30:51 am »
I can confirm this.  I bought the board thinking that SPDIF would carry Dolby, but it has no encoding.   I thought the MB was faulty originally and tried to trouble shoot it, but ultimately found some post that confirmed that there was no encoding on the board.

I ended up buying a $150+ sound card (ASUS Xonar Essence) and resolved my issue.