Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z97N-WIFI - Blank Screen When Entering BIOS. Unable to select 24p output.

I have built a media PC using the Z97N-WIFI motherboard and Pentium G3258 processor.

It is connected to a Yamaha AV amplifier (for both video and sound) via HDMI.

If I attempt to enter the bios (DEL) or boot menu (F12) all I get is a black screen with a large white mouse cursor. Pressing keys / clicking the mouse doesn't appear to do anything - my only option is to power down.

Connecting the PC directly to the TV does appear to work, but is far from ideal.

On a related topic, within Linux I am unable to select certain refresh rates (i.e. 24p) if only one HDMI connector is connected to the PC (to the AV amp). All modes are listed using the xrandr command, but trying to select refresh rate of 24hz results in screen going blank briefly and then reverts back to the previous mode.  If two HDMI leads are connected (one to the TV/ monitor and one to the AV amp) everything works fine - I can select 24p on the AV amp.

I have tried updating bios (F5), video drivers, Linux versions and swapping leads but am out of ideas.

My other PCs have no problem connecting directly to the AV Amp - so I don't believe this is to blame.

Any ideas / suggestions are welcome.


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I have built a media PC using the Z97N-WIFI motherboard and Pentium G3258 processor.

It is connected to a Yamaha AV amplifier (for both video and sound) via HDMI.

If I attempt to enter the bios (DEL) or boot menu (F12) all I get is a black screen with a large white mouse cursor. Pressing keys / clicking the mouse doesn't appear to do anything - my only option is to power down.

Connecting the PC directly to the TV does appear to work, but is far from ideal.

On a related topic, within Linux I am unable to select certain refresh rates (i.e. 24p) if only one HDMI connector is connected to the PC (to the AV amp). All modes are listed using the xrandr command, but trying to select refresh rate of 24hz results in screen going blank briefly and then reverts back to the previous mode.  If two HDMI leads are connected (one to the TV/ monitor and one to the AV amp) everything works fine - I can select 24p on the AV amp.

I have tried updating bios (F5), video drivers, Linux versions and swapping leads but am out of ideas.

My other PCs have no problem connecting directly to the AV Amp - so I don't believe this is to blame.

Any ideas / suggestions are welcome.

I have the exact same issue.

As soon as I press either F9 del or end, I get a dead blank screen with a giant cursor. From there I can move the mouse but as soon as I click the whole thing freezes and I need to reboot the computer hard.

You know there was a reason why we always kept BIOS interface super simple. It needs to work when everything else fails! Now your trying to connect to the network, have a mouse (only support a graphical interface). What am I to do?

Please help!


  • 3099
  • 43
  • "If it isn't broke don't fix it"
Disconnect the drives and see what happens The x99 boards are have the same problem.
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.