I've been traveling, back now.. just to chime in.
100% agree with dmdilks about not updating if everything is working. I'm using the version of AppCenter and SIV that came on my MB CD. Well over a year old now. It works just fine.
I am not a fan of QoS or traffic shaping applications. If you are in a limited bandwidth environment and have a true need to allocate bandwidth for certain machines, protocols or services, then yes, by all means use it, but in my experience there are usually trade-offs and in some cases reduced performance when you use these apps.
I don't bother with these items on a PC, because I already have enough bandwidth and its powerful enough for the tasks I throw at it. If I'm playing a game, that's all I'm doing, rendering video, uploading a website or talking on VOIP while hosting GTM or webex that's all I'm doing. I don't need something in the background that can add overhead to manage traffic in and out of my system.
Typically the QoS and WMM, features that come on consumer based routers are pretty poor. However, I'd use them in favor of a computer based application because they tend to function better managing traffic on your LAN over a application running on your PC. Sure they have a different purpose as well, but offer better control at a higher level. Maybe this is just a preference, but I'd rather shape traffic for my entire LAN instead of on a single box.
Everyone has difference needs and experience with this. Your mileage may vary.