Hi, Everyone! I just bought parts (GA-770TA-UD3 mobo, memory, cpu) from Newegg.com and sent them to my bro and he put the board together. He's having some problems with boot times and doesn't have consistent internet so I figured I'd post for him here.
Based on what he's told me, board posts fine and seems to move through boot sequence quickly until the Windows XP screen with the blue scrolling bar comes up and then it sits there for a long time (15 to 20 passes of the blue bar, roughly 20 to 30 seconds) before getting to the Desktop. Once in Windows everything's been running great.
At first I thought it was a driver that was taking its time loading so I had him re-install windows from scratch (SP2). Didn't help at all.
Then I thought maybe some hardware on the mobo (ethernet, esata, whatever) was the problem so I had him disable absolutely everything that he wasn't using. It made no difference.
I saw that there is a new BIOS for this board (F2) and that one of the fixes is improved boot speed. I thought, "Yea! Problem Solved!" So he flashed his BIOS and........"No! Problem NOT Solved!"
We ran bootvis and, besides a brief initial spike in CPU usage in the first second, all graphs are blank for the first 30 seconds and then suddenly windows starts loading. Basically, it would seem that between POST finishing and Windows loading the computer is just sitting there doing absolutely nothing for half a minute.
We tried IDE mode, AHCI mode, tried different graphics card, tried with DVD Burner removed (and probably a few other things I'm forgetting).
Is this normal for a Gigabyte Board? I have some experience building computers and installing Windows (Not calling myself an expert
) but I've never had this problem.
Anyway, that's it. Hopefully someone here can help. THANKS!!
(i should add that he's using his old peripherals and hard drive which didn't delay his previous system so they seem unlikely to be the culprit. also, no cards installed other than graphics card)