Please tell us whats in front of this connection
Speeds you subscribe to
Modem model (is it in bridge mode)?
Router model
or combo?
Wireless broadcast you are connecting to (2.4, 5Ghz)
Security type ?
If dual band do your SSID's have different names?
Does this happen over a wired connection, or just wireless?
Open a command prompt
Give us an output of >ipconfig /all
ping [gateway IP] -t <press enter>
Watch this for a minute, any packet loss?
Now do the same pinging an IP outside your LAN same -t switch
Watch for a minute, any packet loss?
>tracert [gateway IP] ... will be 1 hop, post results
>tracert [IP outside of LAN], post the results
A tracert to the IP of the server where the videos originate from would be even better.