I have a new build with the following specs:
Motherboard - GA-Z710MX Gaming 5
Memory - Crucial Ballistix Sport 2x8GB 288pin DDR4 ( BLS8G4D240FSA )
CPU - Intel i7 6700K LGA1151
Video Card - EVGA GeForce GTX 760 4GB
Power Supply - Silverstone 1000w
Hard Drive - Samsung SSD 250GB
CPU Cooler - Intel TS13X Liquid Cooling
Case - Fractal Node 804
When booting this build, the CPU appears to get power, but because of the case not having a built in speaker, there are no audible POST beeps. The build powers up for about 5 seconds then powers off.
I have the 8 pin CPU power cable plugged into the motherboard. I tested unplugging that and it wouldn't power up for nearly as long.
I also swapped out the memory sticks - put both the DIMMS in DDR4-2 & DDR4-1, then taking both out but it does the same thing. No change in the boot behavior.
The monitor is plugged into the HMDI slot on the video card but since it is not getting past the POST, nothing displays. It is also not getting far enough to use a mouse/keyboard.
Thanks for any insight.