Hi all.
I am a newbie on this forum so I hope I am doing it the right way. Just as a side note, I had one hell of a time trying to find as to how I can start a new topic. I only stumbled onto this by accident. I believe the instruction says that at the top and bottom of the page there is a link to "start new topic".... Well guys, someone stole my topic starter

Anyway here are my questions.
1. Do I start up Smart Recovery 2 and then have it running in the back ground "All" the time or only when I wish to create a few recovery points?
2. If I do have it running all the time, will that backup folder just keep on getting bigger and bigger bloating the storage folder on the back-up data drive where I have it located?
Also, I hope I get some email advice as to when I get a reply as I can not find any box to tick requesting a notification.
Failing that, I hope I find my way back here again to have a read.