Hello, after some hours of nailing down what was initially a freeze on return from Sleep or Hibernate problem about 80% of the time (whichever the OS, WIN10 or Linux ..), I found out that since the beginning my motherboard is in fact switching from one BIOS to the other = Main to Backup, or Backup to Main, 80% of the time, and
only at power on.
For the sake of investigation, I made the following experiment:- Nothing plugged in my GA-Z170XP-SLI motherboard = no disk, no DVD, no extension card, no graphic card
- Just my Intel i5 6500, a PS/2 keyboard and my RAM, 2 x 8 GB DDR4 2133 MHz - PNY Anarchy
- BIOS Version is F6 (latest)
- Clear CMOS by removing the battery (or pin shortage, same effect of course)
- Power ON, get the message that CMOS was cleared.
- This goes to the BIOS settings panel directly since nothing to boot from
- In settings, set Optimized defaults (F7), save to profile named "BIOS 1"
- Reboot ... still seing "BIOS 1" as listed in the Load profile possibilities
- Stays like that whatever the number of reboots
- Power Off
- Power On
- ... no more entry in NVRAM for the Load profiles !
- In settings, set Optimized defaults (F7) again, but save to profile named "BIOS 2"
- Reboot ... still seing "BIOS 2" as listed in the Load profile possibilities
- Stays like that whatever the number of reboots
- Power Off
- Power On
- .. guesss what ... I see the "BIOS 1" entry in the Load profiles !!
- And so on at each Power Off/On cycle, or about 80% of time in fact (seems to depend, sometimes, works well in a raw, and then 5 minutes later, at every boot it switches the BIOS).
More experiment to confirmI could of course further verify this by downgrading the BIOS to F5.
I had to flash it twice to see it at each power on.
Else I was seeing F5 one time, and F6 the other one !!
And so the problem occurs in both F5 andf F6 at least.
Other experiments to try finding some cureI tried raising voltage on the RAM to 1.26 V in case there was something there -> no effect.
Same on processor Core voltage (raising a little to 1.180 V instead of standard 1.165) -> no effect.
I tried decreasing the BCLK to minimum -> no effect.
Tried decreasing only the memory multiplier -> no effect.
Tried with only one RAM DIMM -> no effect, whichever one it is, in whichever slot.
Net is: no cure so far 
So it looks like there is something detected by the BIOS making it switch to the other Flash than last power on cycle.
- However, nothing is signalled by the BIOS, no msg ..
- Everything works fine on this PC, under intense loads or whatever, and for hours
- The CMOS battery is ok since when removing it, the BIOS says things where cleared.
- And by the way, none of the procs for copying one BIOS to another are working:
whether I try the Alt-F10 (or ALT-F12 ...?) proc to get Main BIOS copied to Backup, or the rear button power on with front power button proc to get Backup BIOS copied to BIOS, nothing happens, no copy msg ...
Last, this explain why my Sleep (and Hibernate I suppose) fail:as I read somewhere else, when going to Sleep, a special "pointer" to a set of actions is stored in NVRAM and RAM to indicate to the BIOS that the computer has to resume from Sleep ... since the other Flash is used after the resume, 80% of the time, this fails miserably with nothing happening = the BIOS knows it was in sleep, tries to execute the recovery pointers but finds nothing and freezes .. and a Reset does nothing of course, it stays frozen ...
I need to power off/on again for things to work again (and since RAM has been lost, there is no Resume, except resume from disk in hybrid mode in Win10).
Any idea ?- Are there tools to find the internal error the BIOS could see at POST, which would push it to change to the other Flash ?
- Why does it happen only at Power On, and not at normal reboot ?
- Is there a way to disable this automatic Dual flash switching feature in Gigabyte motherboards to stay on the same one that I booted at previous power on ?
Thank for any help, erwin34.