Hi there !
I have installed latest Bios for my motherboard model GA-Z170-D3H version F20.
I have setup everything back like it was before update and this version makes my computer slower and unstable.
Before i had version F20b which was perfectly fine and no problems at all.
Is there anything i can do or downgrade to previous version ?
Thanks in advance,
I had the problem where updating the BIOS as suggested by the Gigabyte SIV on my z170 Gaming 7 MB basically bricked the computer. This was in conjunction with the Windows 10 Creators update, big mess... Anyway I was able to downgrade the BIOS by creating a bootable usb key with rufus (fat32). I used fpt_DOS-Z170(.zip); copy the file to the new bootable key. Copy the bios data file onto the key and rename it as bios.bin. When the key boots, it will autoexec straight into flashing the old bios. The computer rebooted a few times, but afterwards, I had the BIOS successfully downgraded to F8.
I only tried to update the BIOS because the SIV stopped working properly after the Windows 10 Creators update. But updating the BIOS caused an endless cycle of "can't locate the boot partition". This was strange, because in the command prompt (advanced recovery option) all of the drives were there with all of the data. I assume the F21 BIOS simply screwed up the partition location as far as the boot manager is concerned, Don't know, but downgrading the BIOS got me back into Windows. SIV is still broken, but it's better than not being able to boot at all. About 8 hours of work just to recover, hope it helps save someone else the time, then it isn't a total loss. You are never a total failure if you can be used as an example of what not to do. Don't upgrade your BIOS unless you have to.