Really didnt want to do this but had no luck finding anything, anywere. So here goes. Brought p55a ud3 + i5 750 etc etc. Thought id do a small oc, but the problem is the cpu core*, it seems to only go up at 5+ not .5 or .005 the next voltage up from the 1.25~ is 1.75~. So either im hitting the wrong cpu core or well idk what else. Anyone else notice anything like this?
Cheers have a good day.
* at this point heat is a factor but untill i know i have control over the voltage id rather not waste money on a decent hsf
ps I know you can do this auto but it generally juices it abit over the top and id rather not do that, also as you can guess at 1.75 = instant shut down, clear cmos etc.